Experienced FileMaker Developers & Consultants
Welcome to Great Lakes Database
Located in Michigan and Illinois, we are a software company. Our employees design, develop, and support professional desktop, mobile, and web database solutions using FileMaker and FileMaker Go for businesses in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Ann Arbor, Detroit, Chicago, South Bend, Indianapolis, and surrounding areas. We actively develop newer versions of FileMaker up through FileMaker 19. If you are running an older version of FileMaker, we can help you get converted/upgraded to the newest version. We are also an authorized reseller of the entire line of FileMaker products to corporations, government agencies, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations.
There are many different reasons people seek out a database. Most often, there is a process that needs to be recorded and managed electronically that can later be referenced quickly. FileMaker is a rapid application development environment that allows developers to create powerful custom database solutions that can help support an entire company or be tailored to a specific department or individual. Solutions for the iPhone and iPad can also be developed to offer staff a way to remotely access their data while on the go. Many solutions are cross-platform (PC, Mac, iOS, and web compatible) and can be developed in a few months or less. The bottom line here is that FileMaker is a product with a solid reputation that offers organizations of all sizes a great way to get organized!